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2021 Sermon Podcasts

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  (Route 3)
  Pembroke, NH

"And as you go, preach, saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand.'" Matt. 10:7

Sermons That Make the Scriptures Glow

The following sermons were recorded at Hillside Baptist Church during the Year of Our Lord, 2021. They are presented here for anyone who may have missed a Worship Service and for anyone seeking to better understand God's Word on a specific topic.

For sermons from any particular year, click on the Sermon Podcasts button and then click on a year.

Except where noted all sermons were presented by Dr. Jim Robertson.

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Date Description Podcast
Dec. 26, 2021 "The Gift of God" – Romans 6:23
Jesus came into our world to ultimately die for all our sins and to offer us eternal life.   Sermon outline
Dec. 19, 2021 "Receiving the Divine Present of Peace" – Luke 2:1-20
True lasting peace comes from God and enable us to be at peace with others.   Sermon outline
Dec. 12, 2021 "What Gifts Do You Desire?" – 1 Cor. 12:1-31
God bestows on Christians various spiritual gifts intended to encourage the Christian community.   Sermon outline
Dec. 5, 2021 "Jesus' Birth Foretold" – Luke 1:26-38
The angel Gabriel came to Mary and told her she would bear a son and name Him Jesus. Sermon by Pastor Al Page.   Sermon outline
Nov. 28, 2021 "Living in Anticipation" – 1 Thess. 5:1-11
The return of the Lord will be totally unexpected. Be alert. Sermon by Pastor Ron Poitras.    Sermon outline
Nov. 21, 2021 "A Thankful Heart" – Luke 17:11-19
After encountering Jesus and being healed, only one of the ten lepers came back to praise and worship Jesus.   Sermon outline
Nov. 14, 2021 "A Divine Perspective on Life and Death" – John 11:1-16
In this passage, Jesus let a close friend, the brother of Mary and Martha, die from his illness.    Sermon outline
Nov. 7, 2021 "Jesus: the Sanctified Sent One" – John 10:30-42
Jesus tried to convince the unbelievers of the truth of who He is.   Sermon outline
Oct. 31, 2021 "The Eternal Security of the Believer" – John 10:22-30
During the annual winter dedication of the temple, Jesus angered the Jews by declaring "I and the Father are one."   Sermon outline
Oct. 24, 2021 "Are You Counted Among the Followers of Jesus?" – John 10:1-21
Jesus used the familiar concept of the shepherd to illustrate His role as the Good Shepherd, the caretaker of Israel.   Sermon outline
Oct. 17, 2021 "Is God's Work Displayed in You?" – John 9:1-41
Jesus healed the blind man on the Sabbath as a display of God's gracious works.   Sermon outline
Oct. 10, 2021 "Who's Your Daddy?" – John 8:31-59
What your children learn from you is more "caught" than "taught."   Sermon outline
Oct. 3, 2021 "Avoiding Deadly Spiritual Blindness" – John 8:21-30
You need to listen to the Lord to avoid dying in your sins.   Sermon outline
Sept. 26, 2021 "Pleasing God" – Hebrews 11:5-6
Do we seek the approval of God by doing the right things for the applause of others? Sermon by Pastor Ken Robertson.    Sermon outline
Sept. 19, 2021 "Four Tests of Faith" – James 1:2-3; 2:19b, 2:23 & Hebrews 11:8-19
James wrote that "the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Sermon by Pastor Ken Robertson.
Sermon outline
Sept. 12, 2021 "Jesus Is the Light of the World" – John 8:12-20
When Jesus declared in the temple "I am the Light of the world," the Pharisees criticized Him, but many came to believe in Him.   Sermon outline
Sept. 5, 2021 "God Desires Merciful Servants" – John 8:2-11
Although not present in many early manuscripts, the story of the adulterous woman emphasizes Jesus' compassion and mercy.   Sermon outline
Aug. 29, 2021 "The Various Human Responses to Jesus " – John 7:25-8:1
Too often our preconceived notions effect how we evaluate and value people, places, and events.    
Sermon outline
Aug. 22, 2021 "Being the Proper Messenger for God" – John 7:14-24
At the Feast of Booths in Jerusalem, Jesus taught with such authority and learning that the leaders felt they had to question His validity.   Sermon outline
Aug. 15, 2021 "Recognizing the Nature of Unbelief" – John 7:1-13
What is it about human nature that causes unbelief even when told the truth?   Sermon outline
Aug. 8, 2021 "Being a True Follower of Christ" – John 6:60-71
Jesus countered those who rejected His teachings by stating that His words referred to the Spirit Who gives life.   Sermon outline
Aug. 1, 2021 "Jesus Our Bread of Life 2: What It Means to Consume Jesus" – John 6:41-59
This passage on the Bread of Life has caused much disagreement and concern among Christian denominations.   Sermon outline
July 25, 2021 "Jesus Bread of Life 1: Moving from Doubt to Faith in Him" – John 6:22-40
In this passage, Jesus confronted the crowd's superficial interest in His signs and wonders.    Sermon outline
July 18, 2021 "Jesus Is the Good Shepherd 2" – John 6:15-21
While the disciples rowed across the Sea of Galilee, Jesus miraculously walked across the water to them.   Sermon outline
July 11, 2021 "Jesus Is the Good Shepherd" – John 6:1-15
The feeding of over 5,000 people is the only miracle of Jesus recorded in all four gospels.    Sermon outline
July 4, 2021 "Divine Elevation of the Son 4: His Right to Indict Unbelief" – John 5:37-47
Jesus criticized Jewish leaders for their pride, self-righteousness, and self-serving praise.   Sermon outline
June 27, 2021 "Divine Elevation of the Son 3: The Father Bears Witness to the Son" – John 5:30-39
Jesus asserted that His testimony was greater than John the Baptist's. Jesus' testimony was given to Him by the Father.   Sermon outline
June 20, 2021 "Divine Elevation of the Son 2: He Brings Eternal Life" – John 5:25-29
Jesus has the authority, given by God the Father, to judge the living and the dead.    Sermon outline
Jun. 13, 2021 "Divine Elevation of the Son 1: The Right of Sovereign Judgment" – John 5:19-24
Jesus stated that all He was doing was serving God the Father.   Sermon outline
June 6, 2021 "Jesus Announces His Deity" – John 5:1-18
Jesus publically admitted to a close relationship with God the Father.    Sermon outline
May 30, 2021 "What Will It Take for You to Believe in Christ?" – John 4:43-54
A royal official in Galilee begged Jesus to heal his son, found out later it was so, and then he and his household became believers.   Sermon outline
May 23, 2021 "Jesus Christ Is the Savior of the World" – John 4:27-42
Jesus led the Samaritan woman and her neighbors to believe that the Messiah was finally in their midst.   Sermon outline
May 16, 2021 "Divine Clarification on the Right Way to Worship" – John 4:1-26
On His way north to Galilee, Jesus purposely traveled through Samaria, a land and a people that Jews purposely avoided.   Sermon outline
May 9, 2021 "Believing and Obeying Jesus's Testimony" – John 3:31-36
John further testified that Jesus was sent by God to offer us eternal life.   Sermon outline
May 2, 2021 "A Demonstration of True Humility" – John 3:22-30
When John the Baptist heard that Jesus was baptizing many people, John humbly said, "He must increase but I must decrease."   Sermon outline
Apr. 25, 2021 "The Divine Rescue Mission" – John 3:16-21
Jesus planned and completed the greatest rescue mission in history.   Sermon outline
Apr. 18, 2021 "Three Reflections of an Apostle About Jesus" –
John 3:13-15. Many commentators have suggested that Jesus' comments to Nicodemus ended at verse 3:12.   Sermon outline
Apr. 11, 2021 "Inquiring Minds Want to Know" – John 3:1-12
Jesus had a private conversation with an inquiring Pharisee.    Sermon outline
Apr. 4, 2021 Resurrection Sunday "What Role Will You Play in the Salvation Story?" – Matthew 27 & 28
Many have heard of Jesus' death and resurrection but sadly have failed to read the gospel accounts.
Sermon outline
Date Description Audio Link
Mar. 28, 2021 "Easter and the Resurrection" – various scriptures
Despite the allure of Christmas, Easter might be the better Christian holiday.
Sermon by Rev. John Leonard.   Sermon outline
Mar. 21, 2021 "Salvation Is from the Lord" – various scriptures
God has specific reasons for where we are in life.
Sermon by Rev. John Leonard.   Sermon outline
Mar. 14, 2021 "Go Out and Do it for God" – various scriptures
As Jesus did with His disciples, God made us for greatness. Stop making excuses.
Sermon by Rev. John Leonard.   Sermon outline
Mar. 7, 2021 "Establishing Proper Worship in the Temple" – John 2:13-25
Proper worship is done in spirit and in truth.   Sermon outline
Feb. 28, 2021 "The Manifested Glory of Jesus" – John 2:1-12
John called Jesus' miracles "signs" and they were all done for God's glory.   Sermon outline
Feb. 21, 2021 "Not Just an Ordinary Four Days: The Start of Something Big" – John 1:35-51
Within two days of being baptized, Jesus found His first four disciples.   Sermon outline
Feb. 14, 2021 "Not Just an Ordinary Four Days: God's Messiah Is Revealed" – John 1:29-34
Upon meeting Jesus at the Jordan River, John the Baptist declared, "Behold the Lamb of God."   Sermon outline
Feb. 7, 2021 "Not Just an Ordinary Four Days: A Preaching for Readiness" – John 1:19-28
John the Baptist was "a voice of one crying in the wilderness."   Sermon outline
Jan. 31, 2021 "Jesus: God with Us" – John 1:14-18
John testified that, in Jesus, the Word of God became human and lived among us.   Sermon outline
Jan. 24, 2021 "Jesus: the Light of Salvation" – John 1:9-13
Jesus shines the light of His truth on our path to salvation.   Sermon outline
Jan. 17, 2021 "Life Is Precious to God" – Several Bible references
God creates all life, governs all life, and gives value to all life. (Sanctity of Human Life Sunday)    Sermon outline
Jan. 10, 2021 "Faithful Testimonies of Jesus Christ" – John 1:6-8
John the Baptist was a faithful messenger who testified about the coming Messiah.   Sermon outline
Jan. 3, 2021 "Jesus Christ: The Word Made Flesh" – John 1:1-5
Jesus is the eternal creator and redeemer who took human form to offer us salvation.   Sermon outline

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Last updated Jan. 06, 2022    
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